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Limb Length Discrepancy chat - THURSDAY January 14 and Feb 11

Happy New Year!

Just a quick not that the doctors at the International Center for Limb Lengthening are conducting some more online chats. The next one is this week on Thursday Jan 14, with one the following month on Feb 11.

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to remind everyone that we are continuing to conduct our monthly limb length discrepancy chats. The next one is this Thursday Jan 14 at 9:15 PM, and the next one will be the following month February 11th.

Quick summary - Dr Standard and occasionally Dr. Herzenberg will be available to answer questions about FH and other types of limb length discrepancies. They are not going to "push" lengthening, and are willing to answer any questions.

Please email me at icll (at) with the subject "chat request" for additional infomation, such as the password. It would be helpful if you also included in the email that you are from this site, so that we know where to post updates. If we get enough interest, Dr. Standard would like to do a fibular hemimelia only chat in the future, so the more the merrier!

If you have not participated before please contact me at icll (at) with the subject "chat request" for more information and the password.

Quick overview:
Date :Thursdays - January 14, 2010 and February 11, 2010
Time: 9:15 PM EDT (Note that this is the time zone for Baltimore, MD or Washington, DC)
Temporary password: lldtest
Day of chat password: must be requested by email
