Hi everybody!! I am planning on writing a children's book. I want to focus on children with PFFD, but also include children with other disabilities.
I will use photographs: couple of reasons, I can't draw and I think it's important to see children for how beautiful they really are!
My initial thinking is "favorite things to do." So many people focus on what someone with a disability CAN'T do...let's amaze everyone with what we/our children LOVE to do...
Feel free to email me with your child's fist name and age (or your name if you have pffd) and his/her favorite thing to do.
For instance: Sami, age 1, loves to climb on the kitchen table! This is something I didn't think she'd be able to do already!! I'm so naieve!! lol! I would include a picture of Sami on the table with her adorable mischeivious grin!!