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Kyle- twin with pffd class d

Kyle has bilateral pffd class (d )with no hip joints. At 4 he is only 30" tall and 25lbs. Kyle has other disabilities called pieere robin syndrome- he was born with a under developed lower jaw-cleft palate, ear tubes. Kyle has had 2 jaw distractions already. Kyle has has 8 surgeries already and Kyle also has a trache and a g-tube. With all of his issue's he is always happy and always playing sports, he dosnt sit still for 1 minute.


Kyle is my twin grandson with multiple disabilities, PFFD, with no hip sockets, severe short stature, pierre robin with a cleft palate, g-tube, tracheostomy. His twin brother is normal, they were born 3/30/04. Kyle's thigh bones, is only 20%developed and he has no hip joints? We are suppose to been seen in Maryland for a pediatric orthopedic consult.

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