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duane518's blog

My daughter and I 26 years ago.


This is my daughter and I at a cabin on summer vacation. She was such a little doll.
I remember after Barb and I got married, and we decided to have a baby, we wanted to know what the odds were of having
a baby with birth defects like mine. I went to a genetic clinic, and went through all sorts of tests, and had many x-rays taken of me.

A few more younger pics

Here are a few more pictures of me when I was very young.

This one I think was on Easter, and I think I must have been around four. My sister was kneeling so you can see how tiny I was.

Easter pic

Duane's blog

I did introduce myself in the general forum, so I will try not to repeat myself too much. Like I said, I was born in 1948 and am bilateral.
I also was born with only one arm. There is just smooth skin where my left arm would be. I also only have four toes on each foot.

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