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Free/Discounted Flights for medical need

A while back I mentioned that I would post information that I found on free and/or discounted flights for children with medical need and their family to utilize for doctor visits, etc.

I originally found this information about free flights online after my Aunt (a physical therapist) tipped me off that such organizations existed.

The information listed below are major airlines that offer these programs that I think would work for children with PFFD and their families. As I have not worked with each of these airlines I can NOT vouch that each of them will work, but I think that they might and it can never hurt to try! One disclaimer is that the airline will probably charge a small processing fee (around $5 per ticket) even though the actual airfare is free.

Midwest Express Miracle Miles
Natalie Fuerst at 1-414-570-3644
One free flight, thereafter flights are discounted. No financial requirements.
(The free tickets we received are through this company, but we actually worked with Operation Liftoff who coordinated receiving tickets through Midwest Express in our case).

American Airlines, Advantage Miles for Kids in Need
Helps those in financial need. 1-817-963- 8118.
(I think that they will work with you for flights if your child needs surgery, but not for actual doctor visits - if I understand their information correctly)

TWA Operation Liftoff (TWA is now American Airlines, but still operates two seperate groups)
"Providing special trips to children who are facing life threatening illness." Free flights, no financial requirements.
Call 314-298-1699.
(While technically this organization says that children with PFFD don't qualify unless they have other conditions that are life threatening, the woman at this organization was very helpful and told me about other airlines that could help. She referred me to other airlines and then actually took care of working with them herself and getting free tickets and mailing them to me. Once I spoke with her I didn't even have to call the airline that I got my free tickets from.)

Northwest Airlines, Kid Cares program
The Northwest Airlines KidCares medical travel program provides air travel to children age 18 and younger who are unable to receive treatment in their home area. Those with financial need have priority. 1-612-726-4206.
(I have heard good things, but have not worked directly with them at this time).

Delta AirSky Wish at United Way
Free flights, no financial requirements. Call 1-800-892-2757 ext. 285, Christina Walker.
(I have heard good things, but have not worked directly with them at this time).

I hope that this information helps someone else that needs to fly for their children's medical treatment. If anyone else has any additional information on free or discounted flights for children with medical needs I encourage them to post here as well.
