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My journey

I was born into this world with PFFD. I am unilateral and an above the knee left leg amputee. I was walking by 14 months in a prosthesis with out a knee, and then later I upgraded until I am now at the highest rated knee due to my athletics and busy life. I was very lucky because my parents treated my amputation and never made it seem as though I were any different. My dad pushed me into sports to keep my head above water, and to not think any differently about my situation.
A big part of an amputee's life is dealing with their setbacks. I always say my struggle is 99% mental limitations, 1% physical limitations. Even though I was excelling in athletics, questions began surfacing about my leg, not only within myself, but from other people. As I got to highschool, I began focusing on my leg too much. I struggled in school (despite being very bright in my own mind), and had a tough time socially having to adapt. Much of my struggling was due to me trying to distance myself from my leg, instead of embracing it and being proud of who I was and my accomplishments.
I am now 18 and a senior in high school. I am proud to say that I played basketball, baseball, and soccer on my school team, and club sports as well. I was on the Varsity team for soccer as a sophmore playing goalkeeper. Noo longer do I struggle in school, and I feel like I am finally finding myself as each day passes. A lot of this has to do with me coming to terms by talking with others. I joined this site with the intention of meeting other amputees, as well as helping those who are in the early stages of their life.


Thanks for sharing. As a mom with a little one, I love hearing from teens that can really share what they have gone through ~ good and bad. It's great that you have found success in sports.

At what age was your foot amputated? I think it's great that your parents treated your amputation like it was normal. I notice when I just let my daughter do her own thing, she proves over and over again just how capable she is.

Thanks, again, for sharing your story.



My grandson is three years old and was also born with PFFD left leg.... He has had his foot amputated and his knee fusion is now ongoing... He is walking about on his prosthesis fairly well... I am hoping he will adapt to his condition as well as you seem to have (even with its ups and downs)... Its too soon to tell if sports is in his future but for his family your journey has given us the greatest inspiration...

Joshua's Grandfather....