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Limb Length Discrepancy chat - THURSDAY September 24

Date : Thursday September24
Time: 9:15 PM EDT (Note that this is the time zone for Baltimore, MD or Washington, DC)
Temporary password: lldtest
Day of chat password must be requested by email a few days prior to the chat if you don't already have it

Note to the "regulars" - 1) we are back to Thursdays again. 2) we will be [i]re-using[/i] the password from August. So if you received that password, it will work for this chat. However, please drop me an email and let me know if you are planning to come so that I can give Dr. Standard an idea how many people will be coming. We will see how this works and if we have too many surprise visitors, show up, we'll go back to monthly passwords.

For those of you who haven't participated in this before, Dr. Standard (and occassionally Dr. Herzenberg) participate in periodic online, real-time chats. They are happy to answer any of your LLD questions, regarding lengthening or any other options. Please email me for a Word document with more a more complete explanation.

If you want to email Dr. Standard any questions or x-rays ahead of time, his email address is in the instructions document.

Any questions, or for the password, please email me at Please request passwords *before* next Tuesday for two reasons - 1) sometimes our spam filter diverts the requests and 2) so I won't panic that no one is coming. I'll be setting the password to the new/old one on the day of the chat. Until then you may use the test password above to enter the room to practice, and if you've never done this before, you may want to practice.


I need some help and to have some questions answered. Are these ongoing? I just logged in after being away from the site a few months. Have some burning questions. It's Friday, will this happen next Thursday and thereafter?