Does anyone have any experience or recommendations with selecting a tricycle for a child with PFFD (unlateral)?
I am trying to find a tricycle that will work for my son who currently wears a non-bendable prosthetic to lengthen his right leg to the same length as his left.
I have seen a few items such as the amtryke, some hand powered tricycles, etc., but was curious if anyone had used on/seen one used to give further recommendations as to which may be the best to pursue.
As they are really pricey I am nervous about buying something without knowing if it will work, etc.
Hi Beth,
We were quite lucky we were given a trycle that could be hand or foot pedaled, we actually were given it be a dear friend whose daughter had bilateral pffd.
Tom has only just about grown large enough to use it but is using it now(unfortunatly he has to wait a couple of weeks as it is in the shed with a robins nest!)
I cant remember who made it , its on the side but until i get into there i cant tell you, we found it wonderful for tom last year at pre-school, we took it along there so he could join in with his friends in the playground , will let you know the make asap!
Your best bet is too get in touch with a charity, i know here in the UK they have something called the FAmily Trust Fund charity, especially for disabled kids and families, they even offer grants for holidays, adaptions, etc
hope this helps
I am 30+ years old and was born with PFFD plus both my arms end at just below the elbow. One arm has two fingers, but no grasp and the other has no fingers and no grasp. My leg with PFFD was amputated when I was 7, but when I was little I had a tricyle and I LOVED my tricycle. My parents bought a standard tricycle and had me try it. Once my dad saw where the problems were, he modified it. (Now my dad was a shop teacher so you may not have these skills, but I bet you could find a shop teacher or welder who does.) My modifications included a toe strap on my "good" side and lengthing/building up the petal on the "bad" side so I could push it down, but not all the way around. It worked. I soon learned to zoom down the sidewalk and learned the childhood joys of speed and crashes!