PFFD is a disabling condition therefore falls under the requirements for SSI awards. It is a disability that enables you to perform well. I can say they I did receive SSI and chose to fight my way into the work force. I believe The older ones, like myself, living with PFFD have a harder time, because medical advances with the disability was not available to us. The youger ones might have a more difficult time getting SSI, because there are surgical procedures that will make their way of life better.
SSI Recepient
PFFD is a disabling condition therefore falls under the requirements for SSI awards. It is a disability that enables you to perform well. I can say they I did receive SSI and chose to fight my way into the work force. I believe The older ones, like myself, living with PFFD have a harder time, because medical advances with the disability was not available to us. The youger ones might have a more difficult time getting SSI, because there are surgical procedures that will make their way of life better.